25 July 2018 – An update for our Canadian friends… we’re proud to announce the launch the new Freedom Pet Pass Canada website (https://freedompetpass.ca)!
The Freedom Pet Pass door is perfect for harsh Canadian winters, and now it’s even easier to buy one from Canada. Freedom Pet Pass Canada has all pricing in CAD and multiple shipping options for fast delivery right to your door.
[button colour=”accent” type=”squarearrow” size=”large” link=”https://freedompetpass.ca” target=”_self”]Go to FreedomPetPass.ca[/button]
Do you live in Canada and looking for a dog door that seals airtight and is energy efficient? You are not alone. The Canada climate boasts some very extreme weather and the majority of dog doors on store shelves in Canada break down. If you know someone who installed a dog door chances are the pet flap is very leaky and allows cold drafts into the home. Not to mention the massive amounts of energy lost which gets very expensive. Maybe you currently own a dog door like this. Don’t worry, there is a solution to the leaky dog door problem
Freedom Pet Pass pet doors are the leader in energy efficient dog doors in the United States. They are the only dog door that has a proven draft free seal. In fact, Energy Star home sealing engineers consider this to by far be the best sealing dog door on the market. Yet they are so comfortable for pets to use even a cat can pass through the pet door when the pet flap is adjusted to do so. With the massive movement to “go green” spreading all over the world it’s no question why Freedom Pet Pass is shipping dog doors all over the world.
So if you live in Canada and want an energy efficient dog door check us out. We might be just what you are looking for. I know the shipping is a bit more than if you were to order a dog door in Canada, however, the money you save in energy savings will make up for that.
Do you live in Canada and own a drafty dog door? Do you live in Canada and want to install an energy efficient dog door but are not happy with what is offered? What are you looking for in a dog door?
Watch this demo showing the Freedom Pet Pass withstand a leaf blower.