Last month we received a letter from the Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center informing us that Access Magnetics, LLC has been selected as one of thirteen small businesses out of 15,895 competing companies. The letter reads as follows:
March 8, 2010
Greetings and Congratulations!
“Your small business has been selected as one of thirteen best small businesses of the year, Access Magnetics, LLC has been selected from among 15,895 companies we provided with confidential counseling and training last year.
Access Magnetics, LLC was chosen not only upon the basis of its success in terms of sales, employment and business strategy, but also on the company’s economic impact, and of course the involvement of the MI-SBTDC in providing assistance to reach those goals.
Please join us on April 29, 2010 at the Lansing Center for a pre-awards “Best Small Business” presentation. Preceding the presentation there will be a pre-reception to the Michigan Celebrates Small Business Awards presentation, which you are also invited to attend.
The MI-SBTDC regional director and/or business counselor that provided you with assistance will be attending the dinner. the evening will begin with the “Best Small Business” presentation at 4:00, Michigan reception at 5:00 pm, dinner and MCSB awards presentation to follow at 7:00 pm.”
I am very proud of my family for pursuing their vision to provide passionate pet owners the first ever energy efficient pet door. This truly is a family business and every day brings a new challenge, a new conversation, and a new idea to implement. One thing does stay the same. We will always focus on building a remarkable pet door that will exceed your expectations. Because of this fact, we will continue to grow.
Will this pet door install into a 2×6 wall?
Melissa – short answer is yes. I’ve sent you an email with more details. Thanks for the question!